Coming to SWF – Social Media Sleuthing, New Norm or Creeper Status

How we found an old friend and what are our thoughts on social media snooping. Is it weird and creepy or a new part of our social construct. Growing up in the 90’s and 2000’s it was difficult to find anything out about anyone without asking around or looking in the year book. Even then …

Coming to SWF – Pay to Pron?

What is Pay to Pron? This week, Sadfish is talking’ Pay to Pron’. What is Pay to Pron, basically, paying a fee to a “Model” through a site to subscribe to their x-rated social media page. Who is this someone? Most of these ‘models’ are regular people who are willing to show some ass for …

The Alien Episode

This was truly supposed to be a lighter subject with nonsense and laughs, you can surely bet that Rick and Chris drive this topic in to the realm of super serious convolution. Watch and listen to our conversation on Aliens, UFO’s and Science Fiction. Do you believe in aliens? Are they out for our resources …

Conspiracy Theories

Some say that conspiracy theories are simply a mix of reality and science fiction. Sometimes, the truth is stranger than fiction. Science deals with things that can be tested and observed, there are times though that something strange and unreal presents itself that leaves the observer wondering, what else is there out there. How serious …